After professional experience accumulated in the early seventies at the SECMU di Ponte dell’Olio, Messrs Antonio Rossi and Carlo Pezza founded, in 1975, EL.IN. Elettronica Industriale S.r.l.

The headquarters is located in the Business/Industrial area in the city of Albarola di Vigolzone, about 20 km from the city of Piacenza, with about 1000 square meters of building space and 40 employees including four designers, three programmers, 26 specialized workers, two testers and five other employees.

The main activity of EL.IN. S.r.l. It is of designing and manufacturing electrical command and control devices for machine tools as well as replacing the wiring of existing machines and standardizing and executing complex command PLC logic.

The testing system in the various production phases is particularly rigorous, starting with the incoming acceptance of raw materials, production, final testing, and ending with the acceptance by the user, all of this with the objective of providing a high-quality product and service.

Since 2000, EL.IN. S.r.l. has held the Certified Quality System according to the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard, and since 2014, after the completion of training and consequent certification, EL.IN S.r.l. has been able to certify electrical equipment according to the rigorous specifications imposed by the UL 508A standards.

In May 2017 the shares of the founding members were acquired by the Omanita Company. Thanks to this acquisition, EL.IN. began to expand its activities in the Agro food industry, due to the know-how of its new acquisition.

During 2018, after the acquisition of the adjacent building, the two facilities will be integrated, thus obtaining an area destined for production of over 2000 square meters, in addition to the 300 square meters of office space available.

For over 40 years EL.IN. S.r.l. has been at the forefront of industry developments and today, more than ever, it is capable of meeting system and product requirements in the technologically advanced industrial automation sector.